Global Azure Bootcamp Frankfurt
An drei Tagen organisieren Communities auf der ganzen Welt lokalisierte hybride Veranstaltungen und Live-Streams, an denen jeder auf der ganzen Welt teilnehmen und von den besten Community-Leitern etwas über Azure lernen kann.
Wir von daenet laden euch zum Global Azure Session bei uns im Office Frankfurt ein:
Session 1: 16:00-16:55
Title: Behind Azure OpenAI : Introduction to Microsoft Semantic Kernel
Abstract: Artificial Intelligence is rapidly transforming the tech industry and soon society too. Azure and .NET have emerged as leading Cloud, AI and IoT development platforms. As a professional enterprise developer, you can leverage the amazing Azure’s Open AI capabilities to build intelligent applications that can help solve new kinds of problems. In this demo-powered session, we will talk about a new Microsoft’s Open-Source Framework called Semantic Kernel (SK). It is a lightweight .NET SDK that lets you easily mix conventional programming languages with Large Language Models. We will show how .NET and any other developers can use Microsoft Semantic-Kernel to leverage Azure Open AI and build applications that cannot be implemented by using common development approaches.
We’ll start with an overview of Azure’s Open AI capabilities and how they can be used with any programming language, not only. NET. Then, we’ll dive into Semantic Kernel and explain how to build intelligent applications. This session is created for Software Architects, Developers and all other software engineers who build and want to build applications with Large Language Models.
Speaker: Damir Dobric, co-founder, CEO and lead architect of DAENET GmbH ACP Digital Corporation
Session 2: 17:00-17:55
Title: Azure Static WebApps - Web Apps with no hassleAbstract: With Azure WebApps, we can run different kinds of web applications in the cloud without pain — easy to setup, cheap to operate, and seamlessly integrated with surrounding Azure services. In this talk, Thorsten Hans will demonstrate how to run your web app in Azure Static WebApps and leverage service capabilities to link custom domains, configure telemetry, and individual authentication.
Speaker: Thorsten Hans, Cloud-native Consultant
Session 3: 18:00- 18:55
Title: Serverless APIs with Azure Functions and API ManagementAbstract: How to build fast and secure serverless APIs using Azure Functions and how to secure, manage and monitor it over Azure Management API.
Speaker: Armin Kalajdzija, Cloud Solution Architect
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